Micronav July 14


Free Access to ATC Simulator for UK Airports and ANSPs

Micro Nav offers its Air Traffic Control (ATC) simulator to UK airports and Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) free of charge to support a best-prepared restart to air traffic services.

Micro Nav is making the full capabilities of its ATC radar and tower simulator available as a cloud-based tool to help air traffic controllers across the UK maintain their competence and confidence.

Air traffic dropped to a historic low worldwide due to the impact of COVID-19. These unprecedented times have led to many challenges, including providing training for trainees and operational controllers and maintaining currency during prolonged low traffic volumes.

To further complement the use of simulation in training, Global ATS, a UK-based CAA-approved training provider, is offering remote pseudo-pilot services in conjunction with Micro Nav’s simulator to help make the simulation experience more realistic and be available as a remote resource to run simulation exercises.

The cloud-based ATC simulation platform will be available to UK airports and ANSPs until November 2020, along with associated online training and technical support. Supporting this offer is one of Micro Nav’s long-standing customers, East Midlands Airport, who can provide advice on how simulation can support airport recovery plans.

This is the time that controllers would benefit from having access to simulators, enabling them to build up to busy traffic situations to regain some of the skills which will inevitably have faded during the last few months, along with regaining the confidence of managing much higher traffic loads safely”, says Paul Kay, Air Traffic Services Manager at East Midlands Airport. “Our simulator has played a major role in our recovery plans, enabling ATCOs to maintain their competency and ensuring that skill fade is minimised.”

This campaign follows a recent announcement of a partnership with the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO), offering Micro Nav’s simulator to CANSO’s ANSP members to support their return to air traffic services.

Our vision is to make a positive difference to the world through simulation. This has never been so appropriate as during these times. We are delighted to offer our ATC simulation platform, trusted by ANSPs and airports for over 30 years, in support of our industry’s recovery.” said Micro Nav’s Managing Director, Greg Pile.